More info about the game jam (Practice Jam #1) that this prototype was built for:

It looks as if all the pets got loose!  You've been hired to gather them all up and get them back to the pet store, before the boss gets in.  But it's easier said than done!  You only have a limited time before the boss comes to work, and you can only carry a few pets at a time!

Instructions: Use arrow keys to move your character throught the rooms.  Touch each pet to collect it, then return to the pet store to drop them off.

You can only carry a limited number of pets at a time, and you only have a short time to complete your task, so keep an eye on the counter and timer at the bottom of the screen!

Note: This was done for a jam (Practice Jam #1), and is just a very unpolished prototype.  I didn't get to spend as much time as I wanted on it for this jam, so my apologies for the extreme roughness and bugginess of this.  

If you click the Drop Off Pets button, you do indeed get your currently-carried pets "deposited," there is just no popup or effect notifying you of it yet.  Also, yes, the pets do respawn when you reenter rooms, so for now the challenge is just to collect as many as possible, as an infinite amount currently spawn.

Updated 10 days ago

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